
Uccelletto beans

Preparation: Previously soak cannellini beans for 12 hours. Start by chopping garlic. Turn on the induction, put the chopped garlic in a saucepan. Now add cannellini beans in the saucepan. Add 5-6 sage leaves and then tomato paste. Add salt...

Lesser calamint frittata

Preparation: Cut the bacon into small strips and then put it in a pan with a drop of oil. Turn on the induction to moderate power. Take 6-8 eggs and beat them with a whisk in a bowl, add the...

Insalata di rinforzo (salad)

Preparation:  For the “insalata di rinforzo” (reinforcement salad) start from the cauliflower: cut off the underside, and the hardest parts; divide into small tops and put them in a bowl under running water. Stone the olives. Soften the anchovies in...

Calabria-style swordfish

Preparation: Remove the skin from the swordfish and cut 4 slices. Prepare a hot frying pan, pour in extra virgin olive oil, and then put the swordfish slices in it. Quickly scalded from both sides. You will finish cooking the...

Buckwheat cake

Preparation: Divide the yolks from the egg whites. Then work 250g of soft butter in a planetarium and add sugar and vanilla seeds (scraped from the pod). Start to incorporate in the planetary one egg at a time and then...

Rabbit peperoni

Preparazione:  Iniziate dalle cipolle (abbondanti in questa ricetta), pulitele e tagliate sottilmente (a mano o con robot), rimuovete il germoglio dall’interno. Nel frattempo mettete del in una pentola e bagnatelo con dell’olio extravergine d'oliva. Prendete il prezzemolo e tritatelo. Versate...

Peperoni Rabbit

Preparation:  First of all, turn on the saucepan and pour butter with extra virgin olive oil. When the butter starts to bubble, put the pieces of rabbit in the saucepan, without boning it, and let it brown. Add a laurel,...

Venetian veal liver

Preparation:  Start from the onions (abundant in this recipe), clean them and cut thinly (by hand or with robotic tools), remove the bud from the inside. Then take a saucepan and add some butter, soak it with extra virgin olive...

Cherry tomato focaccia

Preparation:  Let's start with the potatoes: cook them (do not throw away the cooking water) and mash them in a bowl. Add the yeast to the warm potato cooking water and let it dissolve. Now pour the water with the...

Roman artichokes

Preparation: Take the artichokes and clean them like this: cut off the leaves and part of the stem, leaf until you see the lighter leaves and the stem is lighter. Remove the fibrous part of the stem. Make incisions on...
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