
Intuitive Eating. What it is, and why it can help

Intersectional feminism, fat phobia, body positivity: what do these concepts have to do with nutrition? We discussed it with a dietitian who specialises in intuitive eating, a modern approach that is gradually piquing the interest of many.

Vegan diet and health. Advice and tips from nutritionist Silvia Goggi

An avid vegan, nutritionist Silvia Goggi has also chosen plant-based nutrition for her children. Since, if well planned, a plant-based diet is not only possible, but actually healthy: we interviewed her to understand better.

Bread and olive oil: the pros share their tips on this Italian classic

Nutritionists confirm there’s no better snack for our kids. Bread drizzled with olive oil is among Italy’s healthiest and most delicious traditional recipes, and for palates of all ages. We asked food professionals a few tips for enjoying bread and...

Deep Food Space Challenge. NASA seeks solutions to ensure safe and tasty food for astronauts

Nutritious, safe, palatable, with zero impact. And designed to accompany man into space, during missions that can last up to three years. To find innovative solutions, NASA promotes a competition open to US and international teams.

Paysages Nourriciers: 50 vegetable gardens throughout the city of Nantes to counter the crisis

The project promoted by the French city aims to supply poor families with fresh, healthy and local vegetables for free. Fifty vegetable gardens sown throughout the city, 25 tons of product that these will supply between July and September.

Sucrez vos fraises. The Instagram account that counts sugar abuse in sugar cubes

Sucrez vos fraises is an Instagram account which shows how much sugar we eat every day. From snacks to drinks, here is the amount of sugar in our food.

Food and sustainability. The answer of 7 world cities to the issue of nutrition

Seven different approaches to the problem of food security for seven major cities of the world committed to achieving a common goal, or rather two, closely related to each other: improving access to food and promoting sustainable production and consumption...

School lunches in Italy: setting a healthy pattern for adult life

Today, one in three Italian children under 12 years is overweight. While these rates are far behind those of the United States and the United Kingdom, Italy is working hard to reverse the trend. 

Technology advancements can treat and conserve barrel jellies as food

Rich in minerals and collagen, jellies could soon end up in our plates. Studies to understand how to treat these creatures could in fact very well add them to the long list of novel foods, increasing the varieties of edible...

The 5 “emotional eater” profiles, which one are you?

[caption id="attachment_132425" align="alignnone" width=""]gruppo di amici a tavola[/caption] Behaviours change from person to person, especially so at the dinner table. The relationship with food is both personal – since we choose foods based on individual tastes and preferences – and...
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