Time to invest in green economies and virtuous companies that want to make a change towards environmental sustainability. Earth Day calls on governments to take action, but every individual can also do their share.
Two different stories with a common goal: reclaiming the right to be farmers. Two exhausting battles to defend the agricultural sector against multinationals and institutions. Rodrigo Tot and Uros Macerl are the winners of the Goldman Environmental Prize.
Thirty years of excessive expolitation have reduced swordfish population of 70%. Now, the fish is at risk and WWF launches the alarm. But the distribution shares proposed by the European Union trigger a fight between fishermen and ecologists.
After Bandiera Blu, the emblem that marks Italy’s most pristine beaches now comes Spiga Verde, the recognition of quality that singles out the towns that shine the most in environmental education and sustainability.
This could be the beginning of the food packaging revolution: 100% edible plastic film developed by American research teams and recently presented at American Chemical Society’s National Meeting press conference.