Intersectional feminism, fat phobia, body positivity: what do these concepts have to do with nutrition? We discussed it with a dietitian who specialises in intuitive eating, a modern approach that is gradually piquing the interest of many.
The Week of Italian Cuisine in the World is a week of virtual and in-person events, menus and ad hoc dinners, putting centrally the value of post-Covid nutrition as the protagonist. Here are the details.
Despite the healthy-food trends of the latest years, fast food chains keep increasing the amount of salt and calories in their food. Here are the details.
Vegan diet is becoming more and more popular every year in many countries. In the USA, the food start up Hampton Creeks is inventing new meat substitutes every day. And the vegan products market is growing fast.
The poll focuses on a segment of people aged between 15 and 35 years. The results reveal a net preference in regards to pasta, with lasagna in the front lines.