
Tortellini bolognesi

These tortellini ("turtlén"), based on a mixture of flour and eggs, are meticulously worked and rolled by expert hands, using rolling pins to achieve a thin sheet of pasta. The sheet is then cut into small squares, filled with meat...

Maionese classica

Calvè's Classic Mayonnaise, the most well-known and beloved mayonnaise in Italy, draws on a simple recipe and quality ingredients: sunflower seed oil, eggs, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt. This classic mayonnaise offers an irresistible taste, thanks to a...

Panettone tradizionale milanese

De Vivo's classic panettone is luscious and elegant. The dome is round, unglazed, uniform, and well-baked. When cut, the knife sinks into a buttery, stretchy billow, with small and uniform air holes releasing hints of vanilla and candied citrus. Australian...

Pomodoro Pelato L’Oro del Vesuvio

The producer pays special attention to products from the Campania region, particularly Oro del Vesuvio peeled tomatoes, made exclusively with peeled tomatoes from Southern Italy, harvested in August from certified agricultural chains. These long, firm, and less watery tomatoes are...

Panettone Classico al Malvasia delle Lipari Passito Doc

Fiasconaro has revisited the iconic traditional Milanese panettone with some of the Mediterranean tradition's best ingredients, resulting in a top-shelf pastry, embellished with fresh Sicilian orange candied fruits and enriched with Sicilian wheat flour. What makes this version of the...

Panettone Classico

Their panettone is crafted using high-quality ingredients, including sourdough starter (safeguarded within the Fiore 1827 facility), Italian flour, centrifugally-separated butter enriched with fresh Tuscan cream, and eggs from free-range hens. This blend creates a soft dough that is further enriched...

La Ritrovata con lievito madre naturale

Water, lard, and natural sourdough are the secrets behind the softness and fragrance of these precooked piadinas, which stand out for their quality, flavor, and freshness. Made with genuine, natural ingredients to satisfy various palates (in two variants, lard and...


It's said that the first people in the world to create creamy, frozen ice cream were the 16th-century Florentines, on the occasion of the King of Spain's visit to the Medici court. GelatoMadre today revives the flavors of true, traditional...


High-quality, whole, fresh Italian milk, sugar, fresh Italian cream, 11% pistachio, salt. Only five ingredients, all 100% natural, are used to rediscover the authentic and nuanced flavors of pistachio, a nut that's been traveling along the caravan routes of the...

Panettone classico Pantheon

The Pantheon looks superb and elegant. In shape and name it evokes the majestic building of the Eternal City. Inside reveals a well-waved panettone. Live sourdough starter and centrifugal cream butter churned within 24 hours of milking the milk gives...
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