Christmas recipes: baccalà all’orvietana

Dec 3 2020, 08:28 | by Gambero Rosso
Ever heard of baccalà all'orvietana? It's a typical dish from Umbria made with salt cod. Here's the recipe.

Baccalà all’orvietana – Salt cod Orvieto-style – Yields 4 servings

4 slices weighing approximately 120 g cod fillet (pre-soaked and desalted)

2 celery ribs, julienned
1 tbsp. pine nuts
1 onion, finely sliced
1 tbsp. sultanas, revived in water
8 grape tomatoes, quartered
4 fresh basil leaves
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste

Sweat the onion in a pan with two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Add the celery, salt and half a glass of water. After 3-4 minutes, add the pine nuts, raisins and cherry tomatoes.

Leave to simmer for 7-8 minutes and season to taste. Boil the cod steaks in sous vide for 5 minutes.

Place the celery and tomato mixture at the bottom of a deep heated serving dish, place the cooked cod on top and season with a sauce obtained by blending olive oil, basil and salt.

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