My name is Eleonora and I am addicted to cheese (and it's all because of morphine)

Apr 21 2024, 13:37
Consuming cheeses and dairy products creates substances in the body that mimic the action of morphine (which creates addiction)

My name is Eleonora and I am addicted to dairy. People who regularly consume illegal psychoactive substances such as heroin, cocaine, or marijuana, and who are dependent on them, are considered drug addicts. But even those who do not use these drugs are still in contact with narcotic substances: those produced by our own bodies (see endorphins) and those in the cheese cart.

Milk contains a significant amount of high-quality proteins, 80% of which is made up of casein, essential for cheese production (the remaining 20% ​​is composed of whey proteins). When we consume cheese, casein is broken down during the digestive process into peptides, chemical compounds that include caseomorphins. These peptides have a structure similar to morphine.

Do caseomorphins create addiction and withdrawal?

The effects of caseomorphins are not fully understood: various studies indicate that they manifest potential analgesic, sedative, and appetite-stimulating effects. But the hypothesis of an associated addiction is also valid: it is argued that caseomorphins may generate addiction similar to that caused by opiates such as morphine. This occurs through the stimulation of endorphin receptors, inducing feelings of well-being, reduced anxiety, and relaxation, which, once consumption is stopped, can cause opposite sensations and thus create addiction and withdrawal. The truth of these claims is still a matter of debate.

Where is the research at?

Research on caseomorphins is still ongoing, and there is still no consolidated agreement within the scientific community regarding their effects. That said, it is evident that it is difficult to regulate oneself in front of a cheese board. Our brain reasons as if it were under the influence of heroin at that moment: it feels gratified and wants to recreate that experience over and over again, thus entering a vicious circle from which it is difficult to escape. If consumption is suspended, the body wants more and more, and it is very difficult to stop. However, demonizing dairy and cheese is not the ideal solution to promote healthy eating. As in many fields, the answer lies in moderation.

Caseo-rehab, how to detox from cheese addiction

It is possible to detoxify from caseomorphins. The treatment consists of gradually reducing the substance that caused the state of addiction. In the progressive decrease, the goal is to limit consumption to the quantities and types recommended by the nutritionist, and reduce the frequency to no more than twice a week.

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