Lorenzo Ruggeri is the new director of Gambero Rosso

Jun 11 2024, 16:33
A professional journalist, young and talented, and a prominent figure in the international and Italian food and wine sector, he will lead the historic group

A new significant chapter begins for Gambero Rosso as they appoint Lorenzo Ruggeri as the new chief editor. A professional journalist, young and talented, and a prominent figure in the international and Italian food and wine sector, he will lead the historic group. This important milestone comes after a 15-year professional career within the company, where he grew from being a student to an international editor, and most recently, deputy curator of the Guida Vini d’Italia.

“Ruggeri is the ideal figure for the new direction of Gambero Rosso, due to his profound knowledge of the sector and his enlightened journey with us over the years,” comments President Paolo Cuccia, welcoming Ruggeri to his new role. “Our group has always been committed to creating an environment that values and cultivates talent, promoting a culture of growth and professional development where everyone can express their potential to the fullest. Lorenzo is an example of this commitment, and I am confident that with his experience and expertise, he will further enhance Gambero’s role in the Italian and international food and wine scene.”

Lorenzo Ruggeri, new Director of Gambero Rosso

Roman-born and 38 years old, Ruggeri joined Gambero Rosso in 2008. He trained in the journalism master's program at the Città del Gusto in Rome and continued his journey within the editorial team in the following years, demonstrating his passion and expertise in the world of food and wine as the youngest taster and curator of some of the main guides, from the best Italian restaurants in the world guide to the Guida Vini D’Italia and Berebene. These roles saw him taste around 100,000 labels and visit restaurants across all continents. His extensive international experience includes participation in the most prestigious events in the food and wine sector, such as seminars and tastings, and serving as a judge in global wine competitions.

“I accept this challenge with great enthusiasm, happy to contribute to the future of the company that has seen me grow and that has placed its trust in me,” says Ruggeri. “My goal is to strengthen the authority of Gambero Rosso, in Italy and worldwide, by renewing its style and language and making our editorial content even more impactful. I am fortunate to lead a team of professional journalists, and together we will face the many challenges ahead with maximum commitment, passion, and clarity.”

The first event involving him will be the presentation of the Sushi Guide 2025 at the press conference on June 13 in Rome.

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