Antonella De Santis

Denny Imbroisi, Ida in Paris. An Italian in France

He named his restaurant after his sister, Ida, and parisians are going mad for his pasta based menu. Denny Imbroisi has enchanted his customers with the taste of traditions.

How to spot quality gelato according to Italy’s major artisan gelato maker

In order to find clarity in the gelato world, we asked Italy’s prominent artisans: Alberto Marchetti from Turin, Simone Bonini from Florence, Marco Radicioni and Claudio Torcé from Rome, Corrado Assenza from Noto in Sicily. Here’s what they answered.

Ch1887 opens in Rome. A cocktail bar in the traditional Checchino restaurant

Cucina romana and cocktails? Who would have thought. Yet mixology and the Eternal City’s classic dishes, bold flavors and fatty elements go very well together. The home of quinto quarto in Rome surprises everyone and opens a cocktail bar.

Giancarlo Perbellini from Verona to Hong Kong by way of Venice

The Perbellini world? It’s one in constant evolution: a gastronomic restaurant, a tapas bar, a pizzeria, a seafood table and inn, even a boutique hotel. In Verona, Venice, Hong Kong. And soon, maybe even in Rome and Milan.

Where to eat in Milan during the 2016 Fuorisalone

An annotated guide for tasty pit stops in the days of the frenetic Fuorisalone event. Lots of different locations, divided by area and with a keen eye for eating quickly and after hours. 
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