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This cheese producer got its start some 35 years ago in an area best-known for its Parmigiano Reggiano. Over the years, it has evolved, keeping up with the times, updating its systems and modernizing equipment, thus establishing itself as a leader in the cheese sector (as well as butter, since 2009). Parmigiano Reggiano is, of course, at center stage. A variety of forms are available, starting with their so-called ‘pezzi' (pieces) of varying ages, from 22 to 30 months. There's also a variety made from the milk of the prized red cow, or mountain cattle, and their Parmigiano made with organic milk. Their line of snacks is interesting and appetizing, and their freshly grated cheeses are convenient and versatile in the kitchen. Don't forget about their selection aimed at younger consumers, and for snack breaks. Last, but not least, they offer a practical line of pre-sliced cheeses (sweet and sharp Provolone, classic and smoked Scamorza, Edamer and sweet Alpina Dolce), as well as butter. At Christmas time, they also offer gift packages.

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