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Italian version



Carefully selected ingredients, a tradition-centered approach and top-of-the-line equipment are the secrets behind the success of Montali, the Emilia Romagna meats producer founded in the 1950s. The pork used is only from trusted sources and their meats are expertly handled, from salting and curing to aging. Their deboned Prosciutto San Giorgo is certified Parma and therefore corresponds to all the high quality standards of the consortium - so as to best meet consumers' needs, three different types are available. Then there's their prosciutto crudo San Giorgio (with bone), which weighs about 9 kilos, their prosciutto San Daniele, whose flavor and fragrance are impossible to imitate (with bone and not associated with any specific classification), the tasty prosciutto Riano 'nostrano', the Carniel and the Mec, all available in different cuts, each one with its own specific characteristics.

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