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Founded in the early eighties by Enzo Manicardi, this vinegar producer has, from the outset, sought to bring together the best of tradition, authenticity and modern technology. They grow their own grapes, mostly Pignoletto and Lambrusco Grasparossa, and from these they are able to produce a truly impressive array of vinegars, starting with Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena PDO, Extravecchio (aged about 25 years) and the Affinato (aged about 12 years). Then there's Botticella (available in silver and gold varieties), Acetaia degli Scudi (particularly well-suited to cooking), the Neroelisir (also available in gold), their line of green, yellow, blue and fuschia-labeled vinegars (which include suggestions for pairing in such a way as to best bring out the vinegar's flavor), and the Triangolari (aged in various types of barrels, including oak, chestnut and cherry). They offer organic products as well as alternative condiments like the Condibianco (made with wine vinegar and unfermented grapes), wine and apple vinegars, creams and chocolates with Balsamic vinegar.

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