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Italian version
Liqueurs, syrups, distillates

Distilleria Moccia


Artisan production and slow rhythms for an egg-based liqueur that is part of history, registered in 1948 by Distillierie Moccia under the brand Zabov, combing the word zabaglione and "ovo", or egg. This was an idea by young Mauro Moccia and it became famous all over Italy. Towards the end of the 1960s the company was already producing 70 different types of liqueur, like Greek Sambuca and Amaretto Moccia. It began to expand abroad, and advertising and a partnership with Festival Bar did the rest. In the 1980s Moccia became part of the Ori family who still own the company, and remains a leader in the liqueur sector. The leading label is Zabov, available in two versions since the 1980s, coffee and chocolate, joined later by Chupito and Bombardino, based on rum instead of brandy. The range of products includes cordials, maraschino, nocino, genepì, and bitters. In 2013 it was bought by Campari Punch Barbieri, another important traditional Italian brand.

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