Giuseppe Carrus

Ermete Medici: a family history in the name of Lambrusco

t is impossible to tell the story of Lambrusco Reggiano without talking about the Medici winery. Founded by Remigio at the end of the 19th century, his son Ermete was the one who expanded and modernised it, by laying the...

Tre Bicchieri 2020 preview. Best Sweet Wine of the Year. Vino Santo ‘03 of Cantina Toblino

A wine that's a product of waiting, suspended between tradition and sustainability. Vino Santo '03 of Cantina Toblino, according to us the best sweet wine of the year.

Typical Turkish cuisine. 11 dishes (paired to 11 Italian wines)

[caption id="attachment_152320" align="alignnone" width=""]Hünkar Beğendi (delizia del sultano)[/caption] We tried pairing Turkish dishes with Italian wines. Here's how we did.

Tre Bicchieri Gambero Rosso: Vancouver and Toronto

Here's how Gambero Rosso in Vancouver and Toronto went to present over 50 wineries, the great Italian wines awarded with Tre Bicchieri and - new this year - some preview labels recently put on the market. 

Barrosu Riserva Franzisca. Il Cannonau di Mamoiada from Giovanni Montisci passes the test of time

Giovanni Montisci's able hand is not only revealed in Cannonau. Here are the notes from a vertical tasting of all the years so far produced of Barrosu Riserva.
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